Tuesday 14 October 2014

Raze and Ruin Build-up: Part3

Strange and Wondrous Items

It's time for the next in this series of posts trying to build up the excitement before Raze and Ruin on Saturday. This time a request! Jake Corteen (who is playing in the event, thanks Jake!) has asked for some insight into how many people had taken items that give them bonus points.

For some background, there are three different areas in the comp pack that give bonuses based on items. Firstly, each army had the option of taking one of their army specific items that cost 60 points or more, and if they did they would get +2 bonus points. Secondly, the Rulebook items the Arabian Carpet and the Wizarding Hat also gave a bonus of +2 points. Finally, an army got a +1 bonus if they don't take a Dispel Scroll or equivalent.

The issue when discussing Magic Items in a closed list event is that I don't want to give away anyone's secrets. So I'm not going to go into details about what races have which bonuses. All I can do is say how many lists have opted for these bonuses.

Army Book Items


Flying Carpets


Wizarding Hats


No Scrolls


I've tried to go through all of the lists, but as with the Closed List document has shown it is possible I have missed something. Now, not naming any names, but two brave soul fits into three of these four categories! Kudos to them!

I'm not sure what else I can do with this without giving something away, so I'll leave it there. Tomorrow though, a special treat! The aforementioned Jake Corteen has very kindly gone through all of the lists and made predictions for how they will do. He has also tried to guess the winners of Best General of each race. I'll be posting these predictions for tomorrow's blog.

See you then!

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