Wednesday 5 August 2015

Raze and Ruin 2015 - Tally Comp Preview Part 2

Right, now on to the armies! The first four will be done today, and then 4 more every day until they are all released. So today we will have Beastmen, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarfs and Daemons to talk about.


Beastmen players start at a comp score of +5.

The Generic Comp bonuses are modified as below when taken in a Beastmen army:
- The Beast Banner does not count for the Racial Magic Item +2 bonus.
- The +2 bonus for the Arabyan Carpet is reduced to +1 if taken on a Doombull

-1 Slugtongue
-1 per Shaman or Great Shaman after the first, only if the Shard of the Herd Stone is included
-1 per unit of Ungor Raiders after the 2nd
-1 per unit of Harpies
-1 per Tuskgor Chariot after the first 3

+1 for the first Great Shamen on Lore of the Wild
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Ungor Herds
+1 per unit of 5+ Minotaurs
+1 per unit of Centigors
+1 per unit of 6+ Razorgor
+1 per Giant
+1 per Jabberslythe
+1 per Cygor
+1 per Ghorgon
+1 Khazrak The One Eye
+1 Gorthor The Beastlord
+1 Malagor, The Dark Omen
+1 Taurox, The Brass Bull
+1 Moonclaw, Son of Moorslieb
+1 Ungrol Four-Horn
+1 Ghorros Warhoof

The most obvious thing to look at are the Generic changes at the top. The Beast Banner is pretty much a given anyway, so giving a +2 for it seems excessive, and the Flying Doombull is a bit good to get a +2 too. He does still give a bonus though!
The only other negative is for Slugtounge. He was debatable for the last version too, and with all the bonuses they get I thought negative for him was not against all odds.
Aside from that, there is now a bonus for a Great Shaman on Lore of the Wild (as it's truly rubbish!) and the bonus for units of Razorgor has been reduced to 6+ models.


-1 if you take 2 of the following items, -2 if you take all 3:
   • Virtue of Heroism
   • Virtue of the Impetuous Knight
   • Crown of Command on a Damsel or Prophetess
(in addition to generic comp penalty)
-1 if you have Silver Mirror and Dispel Scroll
-1 for the second Trebuchet
-1 per Bretonnian Lord or Paladin after the 6th

+1 per Hippogriff
+1 per Lord/Paladin on foot, increased to +2 if the General is on foot
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Men-at-Arms
+1 for the first unit of Peasant Bowmen
+1 per unit of Mounted Yeomen
+1 per unit of Questing Knights
+2 Grail Reliquae
+3 if you only have 1 unit of Knights in the army, reduced to +1 if you also take Pegasus Knights
+1 Louen Leoncouer
+1 The Fey Enchantress
+1 The Green Knight

The major change is at the top of the list. In the previous incarnation each of these three had an  individual negative point. It was pointed out that these are all the toys available to Brets, so hitting all of them was slightly over the top. So now they are in a group together, and you need to have two or more to get a hit.
The rest is the same. I can't really see where else bonuses can be had from the book, but I think that's a problem from having an old book.

Chaos Dwarfs

-1 Chalice of Blood and Darkness
-1 per Sorcerer Prophet on Lore of Hashut
-1 per Bull Centaur Taur’uk
-1 per Death Shrieker Rocket
-1 per Magma Cannon
-1 per Hellcannon
-2 per K’daai Destroyer
-1 per war machine after the 4th (note that the Hellcannon counts for this, and this is on top of the individual scores per war machine)

+1 for the first unit of Chaos Dwarfs armed with Fireglaves
+1 per unit of Chaos Dwarf Ironsworn
+1 per unit of K’daai Fireborn
+1 per Dreadquake Mortar
+1 for the first Iron Daemon
+1 per Lammasu

Nothing to report here. I just don't know the army well enough to know where the optimal comp points come from. I'd happily take some advice from Chaos Dwarf players!

Daemons of Chaos

- Daemons of Chaos armies start at a comp score of -2, to take into account the army wide Special Rules and the Reign of Chaos table.

- Mono God Armies. If your army consists solely of Daemons of a single Chaos God, you may apply the below bonuses:
+1 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Nurgle
+2 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Tzeentch – also you may ignore the penalty for multiple Tzeentch casters
+1 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Slaanesh
+2 if your army consists solely of Daemons of Khorne – also you may halve the penalty for having 2 Skull Cannons

-8 Kairos Fateweaver
-3 Epidemius
-1 Blue Scribes
-2 Be'Lakor
-1 for the first Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster, -2 for any subsequent
-1 per Exalted Gift
-1 per Herald of Nurgle in the army more than units of 20+ Plaguebearers in the army
-1 for each Exalted Flamer after the 1st, increasing to -2 for each after the 3rd
-1 per caster using the Lore of Tzeentch after the 2nd
-1 per unit of Beasts of Nurgle
-1 per Beast of Nurgle model after the 5th
-1 per Plague Drone unit
-1 if you have 9+ Plague Drone models in the army
-1 if you have 1 Skull Cannon of Khorne, -4 if you have 2 Skull Cannons

+1 per Daemon Prince
+1 per Keeper of Secrets
+1 per Blood Throne of Khorne
+1 for the first unit of Daemonettes
+1 for the first unit of Bloodletters
+1 per Seeker Chariot of Slaanesh or Hellflayer of Slaanesh after the 1st
+1 per unit of Screamers of Tzeentch after the 1st
+1 per Burning Chariot of Tzeentch
+1 per unit of 4 or more Bloodcrushers
+1 per Exalted Chariot of Slaanesh
+1 Skarbrand
+1 Ku'Gath Plaguefather
+1 Isabella the Accursed

Here we go then, the first of the powerhouse books of 8th. Daemons are soooo hard to comp effectively, as most of their units are really good! However, Kairos is a good place to start. Combined with the general -2 for the army, if you take Kairos you start off at -10 before you add anything else. There are enough bonuses to let a Kairos army get somewhere close to 0 though, it's just not going to be as effective in the hands of someone just picking the army up - I think this is a good thing myself.
The negatives that have been added in this version are for the Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster, and for having 9 or more Plague Drones to stop two huge units being an automatic choice. Of all the things added in the End Times, Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirsters seem to be one of the things that Daemons want to use, and they are very hard. 2 of them were in the Midlands GT winning army, so they are obviously a decent option, and having played against one they can dish out a LOT of punishment.
On the positive front, I've added Screamers - but only for the 2nd and 3rd unit. This is mainly to give an all-Tzeentch list an option for positive, but if you take more than one unit they compare nicely in terms of points to the other bonus point options. 
Finally, I added Isabella from the Archaon book. She seems an interesting choice, and in no way overpowered, so I'd like to see someone give her a go!

That's it then! As I have said before, I'm happy to hear any feedback about this first draft of the comp, especially from Chaos Dwarf players. However, any suggestions may not be used so please don't complain if your ideas aren't incorporated! I'll see you back here tomorrow for the next 4 armies. :)

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