Saturday 15 November 2014

Updating Tally Comp - Part 3 (Dark Elves to High Elves)

Welcome to the third of 5 posts showing the updates to the Tally Comp system. In this post, we take a look at the comp for Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Empire and High Elves - I will also try to give a little breakdown of why some of the things that changed needed to be changed.

Dark Elves

The Generic Comp bonuses are modified as below when taken in a Dark Elf army:
- The Black Amulet does not count for the Racial Magic Item +2 bonus.
- The +2 bonus for the Arabyan Carpet is reduced to +1 if taken on a Master or a Dreadlord.

-1 for Morathi
-1 per non-wizard character mounted on a Cold One, Dark Steed or Pegasus
-1 for the first Supreme Sorceress mounted on a Cold One, Dark Steed or Pegasus
-1 Cloak of Twilight
-1 per Cauldron of Blood
-1 per Repeater Bolt Thrower after the 2nd
-1 per Shade Unit after the 1st
-1 per unit of 25+ Witch Elves
-1 per unit of 20+ Executioners
-1 per unit of Warlocks.
-1 if your army includes more than 10 Warlocks (additional to above penalty)
-1 per Dark Rider unit after the 3rd
-1 per unit of 9+ Cold One Knights

+1 per High Beastmaster
+1 per Fleetmaster
+1 per Manticore
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Dreadspears
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Bleakswords
+1 per Hydra or Kharibdyss after the 1st
+1 per Cold One Chariot after the 1st
+1 per Scourgerunner Chariot
+1 per Bloodwrack Medusa
+1 per Bloodwrack Shrine
+1 per unit of 15+ Sisters of Slaughter
+1 Lokhir Fellheart
+1 Kouran Darkhand
+1 Tullaris Dreadbringer

Dark Elves, like Daemons, are proving difficult to comp correctly. However, with the new End Times rules it became obvious that the place to tighten up the comp was on the Characters. A lot of Dark Elf armies that we see have a big unit of mounted characters, and rightly so as they are very strong. These will now attract a much harsher penalty than before.
We also made some changes to the Generic Comp, as shown at the top, as some of the items it gave bonuses for were really obvious choices for Dark Elf characters to take. Every Dark Elf army at Raze and Ruin had the Black Amulet, and whilst they can still take it for no penalty it doesn't give the +2 bonus any more. The Arabyan Carpet is also a really strong item for a character that can almost get a 1+ Armour Save on foot, so it makes sense to reduce the bonus it provides. It does still give a bonus though!


- Dwarf players start at a +2 comp score.

-1 per Cannon, Grudge Thrower, Organ Gun and/or Flame Cannon. Every choice from this list after the 4th incurs -2
-1 for every second item that automatically dispels a spell. (1 item incurs no penalty. 2 to 3 items incur a -1 penalty, 4 to 5 items incur a -2 penalty and so on)

+1 per unit of Slayers over 100 points. This bonus does not apply if there is more than 1 Giant Slayer per 5 Slayers
+1 per unit of Miners
+1 per unit of Ironbreakers
+1 per Runelord (includes with Anvil of Doom)
+1 per Daemon Slayer (Max +3)
+1 per Dragon Slayer (Max +3)
+1 Thorgrim Grudgebearer
+1 Ungrim Ironfist
+1 Belegar Ironhammer
+3 if the army includes no war machines

There were very few changes to be made to Dwarfs, as we thought their comp was about right. However, it seemed that the armies at Raze and Ruin were a little above where we thought they were, so we reduced the bonus that Dwarf armies get to +2 from +3. This should still let them get big positive scores, but a standard army should be comped to a level where it should be.

The Empire

-1 per Master Engineer after the 1st
-1 per War Altar
-1 if you have no Core Infantry in your army
-1 per Great Cannon
-1 per unit of Demigryph Knights
-1 per Helblaster Volley Gun
-2 per Steam Tank
-1 per War Machine after the 4th (note that the Steam Tank also counts for this, and it is on top of the individual scores per war machine)

+2 per Wizard Lord on a Griffin
+1 per Wizard Lord on a Luminark of Hysh
+1 per Wizard Lord on a Celestial Hurricanum
+1 Markus Wulfhart
+1 Marius Leitdorf
+1 per Mechanical Steed
+1 per Witch Hunter after the 1st (Max +3)
+1 for the first unit (not detachment) of 20+ Swordsmen
+1 for the first unit (not detachment) of 20+ Free Company
+1 for the first unit (not detachment) of 20+ Spearmen
+1 per unit of 15+ Greatswords
+1 per unit of Outriders
+1 per unit of Pistoliers after the 1st
+1 per unit of Flagellants
+1 per Mortar
+1 per Hellstorm Rocket Battery

As with Dwarfs, the Empire comp seemed about right from the armies taken to Raze and Ruin. We did make a couple of changes though, the main one on the negative side was removing the additional penalty for the Crown of Command. It is still a -1, but it's not now a -2.
As for the positives, we put in a couple of extra bonus units - Greatswords and Pistoliers. There should now be plenty of extra choices available to Empire players that want to get a high Comp score.

High Elves

Banner of the World Dragon:
-1 for each character of the same Unit Type as the bearer, including the bearer. Additional -1 if the bearer is Unit Type: Cavalry, or a White Lion of Chrace.
Please note that taking this item (hereafter referred to as BotWD) also causes some of the penalties below to change. If you select this item, then please see the notes in brackets after some of the entries below.

-1 for the first Frostheart Phoenix or Star Dragon, -2 for the second, -4 for any subsequent.
-1 per character mounted on an Elven Steed after the 4th
-1 Book of Hoeth
-1 for each Core Cavalry unit after the 3rd
-1 for each Repeater Bolt Thrower after the 2nd
-2 for each unit of 20+ White Lions of Chrace if Alarielle is in the army
-1 Teclis (-2 if BotWD is in the army)
-2 Alarielle (-4 if BotWD is in the army)
-1 Crown of Command (-2 if BotWD is in the army)
*Please note this line replaces the Generic Comp for the Crown of Command.

+2 per Archmage on Dragon
+2 per Dragonmage
+1 per Loremaster of Hoeth
+1 per Lothern Sea Helm (max +3)
+1 per Handmainden of the Everqueen (max +3)
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Lothern Sea Guard
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Spearmen
+1 per unit of 20+ Swordmasters of Hoeth
+1 per Lion Chariot
+1 per unit of 2+ Tiranoc Chariots
+1 per Skycutter Chariot
+1 per Flamespyre Phoenix
+1 per unit of 3+ Great Eagles
+1 Tyrion
+1 Eltharion the Grim
+1 Korhil

Again, there were only a couple of changes that needed to be made to High Elves, each with regards to the End Times character allowances. The first was to remove the allowance for a mounted version of the Star Dragon or Frostheart. With the additional options available, these are now a much more viable choice and I don't think that they need anything more than the Generic Comp bonus for a non-spellcaster on a Monster. We also added a line to stop Cavalry characters being spammed, separate to the comp on the World Dragon banner. There are still plenty of options for bonus points though. I streamlined the maximum available for bonus characters, so they are allowed a max of +3 like most of the others.

That's it for today's installment! As I've said before, please get in touch with any feedback you may have about the comp. Tomorrow, we will have the next 4 armies - Lizardmen, Ogres, Orcs and Skaven. See you then!

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