Saturday 2 August 2014

Raze and Ruin - Comp Preview Part 3

Well, it's time to carry on with the look at each army for Raze and Ruin. The first 4 were done yesterday, today it's the turn of the Dark Elves, Dwarfs, Empire and High Elves to get a preview of their comp. As I have said in previous posts, I would love to hear any feedback about these changes to the comp pack. Is there anything blatantly obvious that I've missed? Or is there something that I've put in that is too harsh? In either case, please let me know.

Dark Elves

One of the strongest armies out there at the moment, Dark Elves are another one that are difficult to comp correctly. There is some obvious stuff in the book that needs to be hit (Warlocks being a prime example) but even the rest of it is still pretty good. You can never write off troops with high stats, ASF and access to Mindrazor. From what I saw, the comp on them was actually pretty good. I think that they could do with a few more positives though, as there are a few things that I still doubt we will see without a bonus. I'm not sure that there is anything else that needs a negative though - the only thing I'm tempted to add in is the Cloak of Twilight. It's a very powerful item, certainly on par with some of the other things that have been hit, and it seems to crop up in the vast majority of lists. I'm going to put it in for the trial, and if it is too harsh then let me know.

-1 per Supreme Sorceress on Death
-1 for Morathi
-1 per character mounted on a Dark Steed after the 1st
-1 per character mounted on a Pegasus after the 2nd (includes Morathi)
-1 Cloak of Twilight
-1 per Repeater Bolt Thrower after the 2nd
-1 per Shade Unit after the 1st
-1 per unit of 25+ Witch Elves
-1 per unit of 25+ Executioners
-1 per unit of Warlocks. If there is no Supreme Sorceress included in your army, this becomes -1 per
unit of Warlocks after the 1st
-1 if your army includes more than 10 Warlocks (additional to above penalty)
-1 per Dark Rider unit after the 3rd
-1 per unit of 10+ Cold One Knights

+1 per High Beastmaster
+1 per Fleetmaster
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Dreadspears
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Bleakswords
+1 per Hydra
+1 per Kharibdyss
+1 per Chariot (Scourgerunner or Cold One)
+1 per Bloodwrack Medusa
+1 per Bloodwrack Shrine
+1 Lokhir Fellheart
+1 Kouran Darkhand
+1 Tullaris Dreadbringer


There isn't a lot needed for Dwarfs. The problem with them is that the best build is the gunline, so that needs comping. However, once you hit that you are left with a lot of very slow infantry. This is fundamentally a weak build. From talking to a couple of Dwarf players though, they think that the comp 'as is' is pretty good. There are a couple of things that need to be changed from the bonus list though, as there is the potential to spam the cheap Slayer heroes for extra points.

 - Dwarf players start at a +3 comp score.
*This has been considered when evaluating other comp scores for Dwarfs, and the relative difficulty
of obtaining a positive score. 

-1 per Cannon, Grudge Thrower, Organ Gun and/or Flame Cannon. Every choice from this list after
the 4th incurs -2
-1 for every second item that automatically dispels a spell. 1 item incurs no penalty. 2 to 3 items
incur a -1 penalty, 4 to 5 items incur a -2 penalty and so on

+1 per unit of Slayers over 100 points. This bonus does not apply if there is more than 1 Giant Slayer
per 5 Slayers
+1 per unit of Miners
+1 per unit of Ironbreakers
+1 per Runelord (includes with Anvil of Doom)
+1 per Daemon Slayer (Max +3)
+1 per Dragon Slayer (Max +3)
+1 Thorgrim Grudgebearer
+1 Ungrim Ironfist
+1 Belegar Ironhammer
+3 if the army includes no war machines

The Empire

There are many complaints on the Interwebs that Empire are consistently undercomped. I think in a lot of cases that is true, as they can get away with some really horrible builds. However, as with Dwarfs, trying to comp them is a tricky proposition. If you take away all of their war machines as well as their cavalry, they are left with State Troops. In this case, I think the negatives are just about right (with a couple of tweaks) and as with other armies I'm going to add some more positives. I'm also going to reduce the number of State Troops needed to qualify for the bonus as they will each be limited to a single point.

-1 Crown of Command (additional penalty on top of the Generic penalty)
-1 per Wizard/Wizard Lord with Lore of Light after the 2nd
-1 per Master Engineer after the 1st
-1 if you have no other Core than Knightly Orders
-1 per Great Cannon
-1 per unit of Demigryph Knights
-1 per Helblaster Volley Gun
-2 per Steam Tank
-1 per war machine after the 4th (note that the Steam Tank counts for this, and it is on top of the
individual scores per war machine)

+1 per Wizard Lord on a Griffin
+1 per Wizard Lord on a Luminark of Hysh
+1 per Wizard Lord on a Celestial Hurricanum
+1 Markus Wulfhart
+1 Marius Leitdorf
+1 per Mechanical Steed
+1 per Witch Hunter after the first
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Swordsmen (not detachments)
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Free Company (not detachments)
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Spearmen (not detachments)
+1 per unit of Flagellants
+1 per Mortar

High Elves

So, the last one for today is one of the more popular armies out there on the tournament scene. High Elves have some really good stuff in their book - most notable THAT Banner and their icy birds. The Banner is the toughest one. I feel it deserves the -3 (the biggest penalty in the pack at the moment I think!), but I'm not sure if reducing it by one if it is on the BSB is enough of an incentive not to take it on a unit. As for the rest, they are very tricky to get right. I'm erring on the side of caution, and leaving most of the other parts of the comp alone - aside from adding in some of the Special Characters as I have been doing with the other armies. After that, it will just be the same alterations for the Core ruling I've been making before. If any High Elf players want to make a case for other units to be given bonuses (or think they should have penalties!) then please get in touch below.

-1 per Frostheart Phoenix
-3 for Banner of the World Dragon, reduced to -1 if the banner is taken by a Battle Standard Bearer
-1 for Book of Hoeth if taken by an Archmage
-1 for each Repeater Bolt Thrower after the second
-1 Teclis
-2 Alarielle

+1 per Flamespyre Phoenix
+1 per Skycutter Chariot
+1 per Archmage on Dragon
+1 per Dragonmage
+1 per Lion Chariot
+1 per unit of 2+ Tiranoc Chariots
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Lothern Sea Guard
+1 for the first unit of 20+ Spearmen

That puts us half way through the 16 armies for Raze and Ruin. Tomorrow will see the next 4 done, and hopefully the last 4 will be done on Monday. As I have been saying, please get in touch if you have any opinion on what I have written at all. I look forward to receiving some feedback!

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