Saturday 17 January 2015

The End Times are upon us! - Tally Comp for the Undead Legion

Hey guys!

It's been a while, but I'm back with my first post of 2015. This should be the first of a few posts to outline the first draft of the Tally Comp I am suggesting for the new End Times army lists.

I have to say, I'm a massive fan of the End Times stuff GW is producing. The models are fantastic, and the story is really good too. I have so far managed to get all of the books, despite some difficulties (a massive understatement regarding Khaine!) and I have been slowly trying to figure out how to fairly comp them in relation to my Tally Comp system.

What you can see here is what I have come up with for the Undead Legion. I spent some time towards the end of last year chatting with Jake Corteen and Raf Harbinson about their views, and I think we have something that can serve as a starting point for the Comp. It is basically a contraction of the comp for the componant armies, but with a few minor changes due to the nature of the beast. The main thing to point out is that an Undead Legion starts at a negative Comp score. With all the options available to them, I felt this was a way to limit their power and at the same time promote use of the original lists.

What I haven't done yet is assign Tally Comp scores for the new End Times Special Characters. How do you quantify how many points someone like Nagash should cost you? If anyone has any suggestions for these, please let me know!

Anyway, on to the scores...

Undead Legions

- Undead Legion armies start at a Comp score of -1. This is to take into account the improved special rules over the constituent armies, and the increased variety of unit choices.

-2 High Queen Khalida, only if a unit of 40+ Skeleton Archers is in the army
-1 for the first Red Fury, -2 for each subsequent Red Fury (only if on a Lord level character)
-1 per Quickblood
-1 Banner of the Barrows, only if a Tomb King or Tomb Prince is in the army
-1 per Ethereal character or unit after the 2nd
-1 per unit of Dire Wolves after the first 3 units
-1 per unit of Skeleton Horse Archers after the first 3 units
-1 per unit of 4+ Necropolis Knights
-1 per unit of 6+ Crypt Horrors
-1 per unit of 9+ Black Knights
-1 per Casket of Souls
-1 for the 2nd Screaming Skull Catapult
-1 per Terrorgheist, increased to -2 for the second Terrorgheist

+1 for a Tomb Herald Battle Standard Bearer
+2 per Zombie Dragon
+2 per Abyssal Terror
+1 per Coven Throne
+1 for the first unit of 30+ Skeleton Warriors (TK or VC)
+1 for the first unit of Skeleton Horsemen (not Horse Archers)
+1 per unit of Tomb Swarms
+1 per unit of Ushabti
+1 per unit of Sepulchral Stalkers
+1 per Warsphynx
+1 per unit of 18+ Tomb Guard
+1 per unit of Bat Swarms
+1 per Corpse Cart
+1 per unit of 18+ Grave Guard
+1 per unit of 5+ Vargheists
+1 per unit of Morghasts (Harbingers or Archai) after the first
+1 per Necrolith Colossus
+1 per Varghulf
+1 per Black Coach
+1 per each 4 Blood Knights in the army
+1 Prince Apophas

Next time, I'll be putting up the Chaos Legions comp. If there is any feedback on the comp as presented above, or if you have written a list and feel it is penalised to harshly (or not harshly enough!) please get in touch.

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